Thank You for Your interest in participating with H & I meetings. Below is a list of the current facilities we serve and the application process for each. Please see below for the H&I Application Process for Facilities Served by the Southwest Atlanta Area of Narcotics Anonymous.
All interested will need to receive a brief H&I workshop that goes over the do’s and don’ts. Any Panel leader is able to provide that workshop.
Panel Members:
People that come in with the panel leader to help facilitate a Narcotics Anonymous meeting. For those wishing to participate as a panel member in a meeting the clean time requirement is 3 months to come into a facility and 6 months to participate in sharing in a meeting.
Panel Leaders:
People who hold a service commitment to a specific facility and coordinate with panel members, the facility, and H&I subcommittee to provide meetings. Panel leaders selects members to come with them to the facility they support. Clean time Panel Leaders must be approved at an area H & I subcommittee meeting.
How to Start the Process
The first step is to come to an H&I subcommittee meeting to pick up an application for the facility you wish to serve. Pick up an application for the facility you are interested in. Each facility has its own background approval process which may differ from our requirements. If you have questions about the process please reach out to the contacts below. You will find details and contact information for each facility listed below.
H & I Subcommittee Meeting is held on the
3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM at
36 Salbide Ave, Newnan, GA 30263
New Meeting Opportunity – Robert Deyton Detention Facility (Lovejoy)
The Southwest Atlanta Area has been presented with the opportunity to reach thousands of men and women in this facility and are seeking applicants to carry the message of Recovery to those who cannot get to a meeting themselves. Please see below for full details on how to apply to be cleared with the facility. Seeking both Women and Men for this commitment.
Step 1 – Get In Touch
Attend a H&I meeting on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 PM held at the Coweta F.O.R.C.E. building in at 36 Salbide Ave. Newnan Ga.
Contact George S. at 770-851-7879 to request obtain a background check form.
Step 2 – Apply
Complete Authorization for Background check Form and email completed form along with a picture of your ID (front and back) as follows:
TO: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
SUBJECT: Authorization for Release (Background Check)
BODY: (Copy and paste below)
I am submitting an Authorization for release form as well as a picture of my driver License in order to be considered for approval to assist with bring in a 12 step narcotics anonymous meeting.
Full Name: (insert Your Name)
Ministry / (organization): Narcotics Anonymous
Organization Contact: George Shabo (Narcotics Anonymous Hospitals and Institutions Chairperson) Organization Email: [email protected]
Organization Phone Number: 770-851-7879
Insert Your Name and Phone number”

Click the button to find the application form, download this form and enter your information.
Step 3 – Contact H&I
Once you have submitted please await further guidance and contact George S at 770-851-7879 so that he may track the process.
New Meeting Opportunity – Spalding County
We are in the process of seeking approval to provide a meeting at a new state correctional facility. This
facility has over 240 men’s beds and it is an opportunity to carry the message of Narcotics Anonymous to a large number of inmates. State correctional facilities have different processes than county jails. In
order to get approved to come into a state facility, one must complete the volunteer application on the state website.
Application Process (approximately 45 minutes)
- Watch two brief videos
- Complete a short quiz
- Complete application form.
The application includes the question: “Which facility are you interested in
providing service at?” Currently that would be Spalding County.
After completion of the application it will be reviewed by their personnel. You will receive a
confirmation as to whether you were approved in 3-4 weeks and if approved will have to attend a
training session. There will also be a very brief application for the specific facility to complete.
We understand that this can be a lengthy process. But once completed, you will be able to volunteer at any state prison within Georgia.
We are desperately in need of panel members and Panel leaders for this facility.
When you have completed the process of application submission and approval, please reach out the
following NA Member immediately for continued guidance and next steps:
George S. – 770-851-7879
[email protected]
Pathways: Saturdays 6:30 PM
Point of Contact: Karen R. [email protected] 770-778-2324
Email your application to the facility contact on the application or to Karen. Be sure to notify Karen if approved by the facility or if you have any questions and leave your best contact number.
Lamar County Jail: Monday Nights at 7:00
Point of Contact:
Randy Y [email protected] 770-866-7177
George S [email protected] 770-851-7879
Come to an area H & I Meeting (3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 located at Coweta force). Pick up an application for the facility you are interested in. Submit your application via email to the point of contact and leave your best contact number. Please note this commitment requires 10 years+ since any criminal arrests and no violent crime history.
Pinewoods: Tuesdays at 7:00
Point of Contact: Patrick F. [email protected] 678-326-1718
Come to an area H & I Meeting (3rd Sunday of the month at 12:30 located at Coweta force). Pick up an application for the facility you are interested in. Complete an application and email Patrick your application and best contact number.
Peachtree Wellness: Thursday Nights at 6:30
Point of Contact:
Sandi 903-431-9683
Currently no applications are required. If you meet clean time requirements and have interest come to an H&I meeting and express interest.
Peachtree Detox: Tuesday and Thursday Nights at 7:00
Point of Contact & Panel Leaders:
George S [email protected] 770-851-7879
Bobby W.
Currently no applications are required. If you meet clean time requirements and have interest come to an H&I meeting and express interest.
There will be other facilities opening up to us soon and we need all the support we can get. Please come to our H&I meetings regularly to stay up to date as well as to check your application approval status. Please be patient with the process as we have little control over how facilities process applications. Know that we are working hard to seek out facilities to carry the message and find NA members available to support.